Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3 Sept Workout

0530 - 4 miles with the ladies on Schertz Parkway 9.5 pace

1730 - 20 mile run on Schertz Parkway/Lookout road.
1st five in 830 pace
Next 10 @ 9:30 pace total time, but did intervals with 5 miles at 7:45 or faster and the
other 5 miles under 10:00 pace
Last 5 freakin almost died. Race walk, cramping, dehydration. 50oz Camelback, light but
shoulda drank more.

2115 - cold water bath, 2 servings of heed, 1 serving Recover Rite, real food. .5 teaspoon sea
salt w/trace minerals

23:10 - still drinking freakin water.


Anonymous said...

Very good......

johntsharp said...

hey thanks, you rock

Mark said...

Dude, you are a workout machine. Much respect.