Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another One Today

Well I was not satisfied with my times on this mornings workout so I figured I would head back to to the track and put in a few more loops. Here is the deal, 3 400, 2 800, 1 400.


1:29 400
1:34 400
1:21 400
3:02 800
3:13 800
1:22 400

I ran my fastest every 400 and 800 today, mostly because I never timed them before. So with that being said, those times are base lines. As they used to say on the Jefferson's sitcom, "Movin on up!"

These were with a walk/jog recovery lap in between.

I wan to get to a 1:00 400 and a 2:20 800 by the end of the month. So wish me some luck.

Also did my lunch core and stretching routine for 45 minutes. Had some success, but this core stuff will be an uphill battle for me.



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