Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hardrock Training Day 3

Nice one today. Heart rate training like a MOFO.

5 miles total run in 43 minutes. Here is the breakout.
3M @ 8min Pace
.5M @ 7:30 Pace
.5M @ 10:00 Pace
.5M @ 7:00 Pace
.25M @ 12:00 Pace
.25M @ 6:30 Pace
Avg HR 168 Max 187

Viking Warrior Conditioning Workout.
This workout is 15sec of snatches with a 35lbs KB min of 7 snatches followed by 15sec of rest. Then repeat till you die.
I went for 40 work sets, @ 7 reps per set.
21 min total time.
Avg Hr 176 Max 182.

So basically I spent 1 hour at an Average HR at 168 or above. Nice!

More information on Viking Warrior Conditioning:

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